Escuela St. Symphorosa
Escuela Parroquial de los Santos Mártires
Excelencia académica de Faith Family
Register for 2024-2025
It is the time of year when we open registration for our next school year. This year we are streamlining the process by using Powerschool and your FACTS account so that the process is easier for everyone to complete and track. Thank you for your understanding in advance if we have a few bumps in the road as we implement this change.
Re-registering your child for the upcoming school year just got a lot easier. Instead of the old paper forms, you can now submit your intent to return for the upcoming school year through the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Click the following link for step by step instructions on how to complete re-registration: Re-Registration Parent Guide
If you are enrolling another child into St. Syms, you can do that on this portal as well. Detailed instructions are available here: Sibling Registration
A few things to keep in mind:
Your registration fee will be added to your FACTS account within a week of when you submit your child’s registration. If you prefer, you can also pay this fee by sending cash or check to the school office in an envelope labeled ‘registration fee’ with your family name.
If you have not yet signed up for access to the PowerSchool Parent Portal, log in information is being sent home today so that you can begin that process. If you already use PowerSchool, your log in information has not changed and you can begin your re-registration immediately. Eighth grade parents, I realize you won't be re-registering but we're sending home your PowerSchool login information as well just in case you're enrolling another child into St. Syms.
If you have any questions, please email the school office at office@stsymphorosaschool.org for assistance.
Register early to get the most savings and be entered into a raffle to win a HP Deskjet Wireless Color Printer! See this flyer for all the details, but be sure to re-register by FEBRUARY 24TH. General registration opens for all families on 1-29-23. Don’t wait, reserve your child’s spot today so they are on the 23-24 St. Syms Roster!